Hydro RDI - Bureau d'études hydraulique international - Water resources management study of the Tenke- Fungurume copper mine (Shaba)

Congo (RDC)

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Virunga National Park. North Kivu.

The study had for objectives to realize the basic engineering of two hydroelectric plants in the rivers of Rutshuru and Luviro in Virunga National Park and to calculate the economic profitability of these projects.

- Measure the characteristics (flow, height, width, speed, height of fall, annual variations, etc.) and the energy potential of both rivers,
- Analyze the current and future energy needs for the consumers,
- Make topographic accounts,
- Size the various works: intake of water, feeder canal, turbine, production building, etc.
- Define a budget of realization.


Water resources management study of the Tenke- Fungurume copper mine (Shaba)
