Hydro RDI - Bureau d'études hydraulique international - Feasibility study of the water resources capacity for the Kalsaka gold mine site

Burkina Faso

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Support for DGRE for the formulation of a national post 2015 program (2016-2030) of the Drinking Water Supply (PNAEP)

The overall objective is to develop, following a concerted and participatory approach, a National Programme for Water Supply (PNAEP) in 2030 to achieve the goals set by Burkina Faso in the matter.

The specific objectives of the mission are:
1) Make an inventory of EAF in Burkina Faso (baseline);
2) Define the proposed objectives and strategies;
3) Propose a coherent and relevant investment plan for the development of the water service;
4) Develop an operational action plan in line with the guidelines of the program budget;
5) Propose all accompanying measures capable of enabling program success (resource mobilization strategy, communication plan, environmental and social management plan, monitoring and evaluation system);
6) Submit the program steering framework;
7) Develop the National Drinking Water Supply Program in 2030.




Mid-term evaluation of the “Valorisation des Ressources en Eau de l’Ouest (VREO)” programme

Section Ae. evaluations, monitoringSection B1. sustainable management and protection of natural ressources and EcosystemsMid-term evaluation of the programme.Accuracy of the programme formulation, effiiency, present status of the operations, intermediate results.Organisation, analysis of the budgets and impact of the IWRM approach.


Feasibility study of a Programme for the development of valleys and monitoring of the rice-growing sector in Burkina Faso

The designed Programme aimed at the improvement and intensification of agricultural production in the valleys by increasing the developed areas (50000 ha of new surfaces), by facilitating the exploitation during the dry season (10000 wells executed) and the protection of the valleys against erosion (167000 ha protected).The Programme also developed an operational system for dynamical monitoring of rice-growing, both in space and time.Finally, the Programme aimed at the improvement of the competitiveness of the sector, in order to ensure a better market supply.


Evaluation of the support programme to the agricultural research in West Africa (PARAO)

The global objectives of the PARAO are :1. to contribute to the improvement and adaptation of the agricultural techniques and policies in West Africa, to provide an adequate answer to the evolution of the economical context and the demographic and environmental changes.2. to contribute to support socially and ecologically sustainable growth and agricultural development


Mid-term evaluation of the Integrated National Water Resources Management Program (GIRE) - Technical aspects


Feasibility study of the water resources capacity for the Kalsaka gold mine site


Rehabilitation of the Pourra gold mine - technical assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Mines

Monitoring and supervision of the consolidation program of the SOREMIB (Société de Recherches et d’Exploitation Minière du Burkina) in view of the privatisation of the gold mine of Poura.


Mid-term evaluation of the programme: “Water Resources development in the south-west provinces - RESO ”

The global objective of the VREO was to contribute to the improvement of local and regional capacities of plannification, management and valorization of water resources in drinking water in the basin of west Burkina Faso, in mobilizing the local collectivity, the decentralized organizations and the private and public stakeholders. The specific objectives are to improve the access to drinking water of the population by setting up new equipments, in building up local capacity in water adduction management and in improving the knowledge on available water resource and pollution control measures.
